Using God’s Gifts To Bring Transformation.

by | Jul 10, 2023 | Stories of Transformation | 1 comment

Marcy’s life as a construction worker changed suddenly when she received a substantial injury. After using her life savings to pay for three surgeries and treat a major kidney infection in a year and a half span, she was left with nothing. No longer able to work in construction, Marcy was unsure what to do. 

While trying to determine what her next best step was, she learned that her church was a partner with Love Your Neighbor’s food pantry, and through that she decided to join the Life Skills Program.

While in the financial literacy classes she was able to learn a new way of budgeting and how to best adapt to her new circumstances.

Marcy used her skills to take an approach to budgeting that was unique for her, and creatively decided to make an Excel Spreadsheet which automatically totals her expenses each month. 

While taking the courses in the Life Skills Program, she was able to find work and community as both a construction teacher and a substitute teacher. She has been working towards receiving her masters degree to help those who are facing similar situations as her.

Throughout her time in the Life Skills Program she was able to pay off nearly $60,000 in debt! 

Wendy, Marcy’s Life Skills Program Leader, shared “During my time working along side of Marcy, she had to overcome many obstacles, from multiple knee surgeries, loss of jobs, and being a single parent. She has now finished her schooling, is moving on to earn another degree and has found a permanent job teaching for a local school district. Marcy is a wonderful example of how we can use the gifts God has given us to bring about transformation in our lives and in the lives of those around us. We are so excited that she will now be coming back to volunteer in the Life Skills program as a co-teacher!”