by | Oct 4, 2018 | News & Notes, Uncategorized | 2 comments

Have you ever felt that way? You’re reading an article or clicking on a website and realize they want you to commit to something and you were only just curious!

I sometimes think I’m being pulled down a rabbit hole I never intended to enter. I just wanted information.

At Love In the Name of Christ, we understand! So we offer an absolutely free, no arm twisting, no sign-up tonight or else meeting with tons of information to fully inform and educate you on what we do in our Life Skills Program.

You may have heard from friends, co-workers or family members all about our program. However, just like the old game of telephone, the information often changes with each telling. So why not hear the information directly from the source!

Comments we often hear at these informational meetings are “I had no idea that was part of the program.” Or “I thought you had to be a financial wizard to be involved!” – NOPE! Not even close to true.

So come and learn more about how Life Skills works and the various roles you could play. Our next informational meeting (remember totally no commitment required!) will be on Thursday, November 1st, 2018 from 6-8:30 pm at Hillcrest CRC in Hudsonville. You will be offered coffee, an incredible cookie and great discussion on our ministry.

To register your seat in the conversation email: [email protected]