Careful and persistent work or effort.
Similar: attentiveness, perseverance, earnestness, tenacity, zeal, dedication, commitment, care.
If you’ve taken a tour at Love INC or witnessed the inner workings of campus, you may have recognized this diligence in a group of people – our volunteers. Our volunteers are the epitome of diligence and one of the main reasons ‘diligence’ is now one of our core values.
What do I mean?
The sorting volunteers show a level of tenacity not many of us have, as they endure all types of weather to accept, sort and transport donations to stores. The computer volunteers model attentiveness as they take in computer donations and provide our staff IT support. The book volunteers practice a level of earnestness as they clearly categorize each book in the back warehouse, so that our customers are provided with a library experience as they shop. The mentor volunteers are committed to showing up weekly to meet with a Life Skills participant as together they work through steps towards a variety of goals. The medical equipment volunteers power wash every single used and returned item to ensure the next person who borrows the item is cared for well.
I could easily go on- giving you an example of diligence in every ministry area. This is honestly one of the greatest assets this ministry has. You are an example of this diligence. And you are the reason this diligence has permeated other parts of the ministry:
-Diligence as we connect with under-resourced neighbors who are facing struggles and looking for resources, program and community.
-Diligence as we strive to distribute what’s given to us to the organizations and individuals who need it most.
-Diligence as we pray each week as a staff asking God to discern what He has next for His ministry.
-Diligence as we work through conflicts, not sacrificing relationships because of them.
At Love In the Name of Christ, we are persistent in all efforts to achieve our mission. Thank you to our volunteers for modeling this for us. In Hebrews 6, Paul writes, “For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do. Our great desire is that you will keep on loving others as long as life lasts, in order to make certain that what you hope for will come true.”
Diligence in demonstrating love for other people is one of our greatest calls, and we are so grateful we have new opportunities with new people each day to live this out. As we seek the Kingdom of God together, be reminded that we recognize and are humbled by your diligence.
Let us remind each other to show this same diligence as we love, serve and connect with others!