Working Toward Relationship and Justice

by | Jun 18, 2020 | Notes from the Executive Director

The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.

John 1:14 (The Message)

Our neighborhood has been hurting. For three months, partner churches have worked through Love INC to actively respond to the community’s need for food and get it into the hands of neighbors who are
hungry. We pivoted quickly from our traditional relational ministry to a transactional ministry that allowed us to quickly supply food to families during a pandemic that shook us all out of the “normal” way of doing

With the community’s support, our partner churches worked through Love INC to supply 16,515 days of food to local families. We have seen God’s provision through his people.

Through this experience, we noticed something.

We don’t have many stories of transformation, as we have not been able to connect with people fully and authentically during a stay-at-home order. We could share amazing numbers of people served or amount of money raised to feed others, but it still would not replace the true transformational work God calls each of us to. It reminds us that God’s miracles are often accomplished through relationship. We are grateful to be shifting back toward the dignifed and relationship-driven ministry that Love INC is built on.

Our neighborhood continues to hurt. The current clamor of voices calling out for change in our racial relationships also reminds us that working away from poverty demands working toward justice. The Bible is a resounding call for justice for the oppressed and the hungry, the arginalized and unconnected.

During this season, donations will support a variety of special projects that focus on getting school supplies into the hands of under-resourced youth, as well as weekly groceries and housing subsidies for local families journeying with the church long term through Love INC’s Life Skills Program.

We invite you to join us as we build relationships, move into the neighborhood and unify the local church. With your donations, continued prayers and/or choosing to volunteer you are impacting your
community in the name of Christ.


Jodi Cole Meyer
Executive Director