A business is realigned and positions are eliminated. A single mother with two young sons, one of whom is autistic, finds herself unexpectedly unemployed. The future was always daunting, however, now it was extremely challenging. Her already tight budget was stretched beyond reality.
Referred to Love INC by her church, Jennifer discovered much more than assistance. At Love INC, Jennifer also found friends, a mentor and a community that cared.
“Love INC was a huge part of my recovery process, especially emotionally. Having someone there for you, week after week, as your life hits rock bottom, was invaluable. Having my mentors walk with me, and encourage me, was the biggest blessing of all,” Jennifer shares.
Jennifer discovered there was a trained social worker on staff at Love INC who had worked directly with the autistic community. “Melissa (Love INC’s Relational Ministry Coordinator) had resources and programs to recommend to me, to help me better support my son. I can’t explain what a relief it was to have someone ‘get it’ and be in the autistic community loop from the other side.”
Stress was slowly leaving and hope was gradually blooming in Jennifer’s world.
“I went in feeling like most Life Skills participants do at first, I was uncomfortable asking for help. It is humbling and difficult to know you need help, and you can’t do it on your own. Which in turn makes it difficult to accept the blessings that come your way. However, through my journey with my mentors, the Love INC staff/volunteers, and the participants in the program, I really began to understand that God was using these wonderful people to bless me. It wasn’t a hand out, it was a hand up. They were genuinely invested in supporting me to reach my goals and succeed,” says Jennifer.
Today, Jennifer is employed and is giving back to Love INC.
“I have signed up to become a mentor in the Life Skills Program! I wish to offer the love, compassion and support that was shown to me, to others.”
To our Donors and Partners, Jennifer shares, “Thank you! Thank you so very much! I can never adequately describe the depth of gratefulness i have for those who support this ministry”.