Can’t pay your bills? Sick of the vicious cycle? 

We are here to help. Reach out to us today.

Call or text our Connection Center at 616-662-3300.

Monday-Friday: 9am-4pm

Email our team at

[email protected]

Love Your Neighbor is a family support center that offers a practical path of hope for under-resourced families in Hudsonville, Jenison, and Grandville, Michigan.

Love Your Neighbor is a connection center that offers a practical path of hope
to under-resourced families in Hudsonville, Jenison, and Grandville.

We work to create communities where everyone is welcome,
we give and receive freely … and God brings about transformation.

Our Mission

Following Jesus Christ, who transforms lives, we equip our community to love, serve, and connect with dignity.


Working together, we value every contribution. (1 Corinthians 12)


We believe every person bears God’s image, and therefore has value. (Genesis 1:26-27)


Assuming the best, we lead with extending favor. (2 Corinthians 1:12)


We value and seek other perspectives. (Philippians 2:3-4)


We are persistent in all efforts to achieve our mission. (Hebrew 6:10-11)


We all have needs to be filled and gifts to give, but shame and stigma often keep us from both. Our connection center works hard to be a safe place in our community, honoring every individual as a gift from God. There is no disgrace in asking for help.


Community is the place where life happens. When we recognize that everyone has something to give and everyone has something they need, we can live in community that offers a place where everyone can thrive.


We know that God transforms lives, and He often does it through community. Love Your Neighbor is about making space for God to bring about true transformation in hearts, lives, and families.


Love Your Neighbor is the first step towards
resources, programs, and connections


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Love Your Neighbor

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