Love LISTENS: As I poured out our story to Mary, I was met with empathy that I had only dreamed of. She truly understood what I was going through, and gave me absolutely no judgment.
Love MOTIVATES: Before I left that first day, we had a small plan in place to tackle the next few weeks. I left with bags full of food and a genuine sense that things would be okay-not immediately, but soon.
Love TEACHES: We attended classes in the Life Skills Program, where we started learning and tracking our spending. Our teachers were compassionate and knowledgeable. They questioned us with genuine care and never made us feel inadequate over mistakes.
Love FEEDS: We received food every week from a local church pantry. It helped us keep things as normal as possible when it came to providing groceries for our family.
Love MAINTAINS: We earned weekly vouchers for gas to help lighten the cost of transportation. We were never treated oddly as we paid for our gas with a different piece of paper than most.
Love WARMS: As the weather turned colder, we were invited to come and pick out winter wear for our family. An expense taken for granted in the past. We left that day with bags full of warm coats, boots, gloves and hats-and a feeling of warmth knowing out kids would be protected from the cold that winter.
Love GIVES: As Christmas approached, we heard word of the Christmas store. Once again, we were greeted with dignity and friendship as we came as a family to pick out gifts for each other. We were amazed at the choices we were able to pick from for our children.
Love GRANTS: Our boys were given a scholarship to go to a Christian summer camp. This was something I had dreamed of for them but never thought I would see come to fruition due to cost.
Love ARMS: As the school year approached, we were provided with grade-specific school supplies and new school clothes.
Love DISCIPLES: Our weekly classes were a time of learning more about God and doing so in a community of people who were in similar situations as ourselves. It was a unique time of community and growth that cannot be replicated.
Love MENTORS: Our time with our mentor each week is something Brian and I will both cherish for the rest of our lives. He was truly the hands and feet of Jesus to us. He taught us so much about finances, guiding us through our budget, helping us make decisions, celebrating successes with us, and praying over us each week.
Love LIGHTENS: We were able to pay off over $11,000 in credit card debt thanks to the guidance and assistance of the program.
Love EASES: We can pay bills now without fear.
Love SHARES: We can share our story with anyone without shame and encourage others to get help if needed.
Love EQUIPS: We continue to grow as a family to keep our finances in control, thankful for all that God provides us with. We share our time and resources with those when we can.
Love LOVES AS CHRIST LOVES: Thank you for your part in this ministry! We are thankful to every person who gave continues to give of their time, skills and donations to Love Your Neighbor.