“What leads someone to volunteer? Every path is different. We all have our reasons to give back, but here is my story.
During my 16 years of marriage, my husband and I made horrible financial decisions with repercussions that followed me for years. When the marriage broke up, I became a single mom with four daughters.
After years of struggle, I had little to show for myself and was barely keeping my head above water.
The embarrassment, guilt and shame of what I was going through were crushing.
I had heard about Love’s Life Skills Program from a friend who was a graduate and advocate of it.
When I moved to Grandville in 2013, the Life Skills Program was still in the back of my mind as I navigated bankruptcy and the foreclosure on my home.
I enrolled in the program in June of 2014, and was immediately struck by the Love volunteers’ care, compassion and enthusiasm. Volunteers are the heart and soul of Love, donating their time and talents to help others, a beautiful example of people being the light of Christ in the world.
The ability to volunteer is a gift from God– a gift not to be hoarded and held closely all to yourself, but a gift to be given as freely as the love our Creator gives to us. As a graduate of the Life Skills Program, I knew I had to volunteer. If, by sharing what I’ve learned, I could help another person who is struggling, giving them even a glimmer of hope, then I believe I will be fulfilling my purpose set before me by God.
I want to shine the light of Christ in the darkness for others so others, too, can experience the love and grace of God which has so freely been given to us through Jesus Christ. As Jesus said in the Gospel of John, ‘So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.’ (John 13:34)”
There are many ways for you to volunteer with Love & we hope you’ll join us: [email protected].
We’ll be sharing 40 stories of transformation leading up to our 40th Celebration Block Party on September 24th. Please join us!