Yesterday’s story was originally in 2015. Since then, Amber and I are still friends. It was such a learning journey for both of us. For me personally, I entered the journey with Amber willing to support her and willing to be her champion, but I also gained so much more. Each week I was amazed by the manner she was showing up in her own success story. She became proud of how she was saving and how she was learning how to budget. I found that the budget process was simply a tool we could use to grow our relationship. Setting goals together and then seeing the results grew Amber’s confidence in her ability to have at least one area in her life where she could see some growth and have a little bit of “control” in a life that sometimes felt out of control as a young single mother. I sometimes felt that while I was watching Amber grow and learn and achieve, I too was growing and learning and achieving. It’s a holy thing to be in proximity to this kind of humble acceptance of help and support. As peer supports, we know we don’t have the answers, and we know we aren’t here to solve problems. We’re simply here to be a friend, to offer companionship on the journey and have the humility to rest there. It’s not easy but it is so life changing. The reality is that each person in this story can be changed. I know I was, for the better, for knowing Amber, for seeing her grow and for seeing how God used my story to bless someone who had the humility to ask for help in their time of need.
Learn more about the Life Skills Program here.
We’ll be sharing 40 stories of transformation leading up to our 40th Celebration Block Party on September 24th. Please join us!