God’s Plan is Greater than Coincidence

by | Mar 23, 2021 | Stories of Transformation

A story of transformation

“As you know, my family went through hard times in 2019 and 2020. We relied on Love INC for food, gas and diapers for our child.

I finally found work and have been working since August! I even found a job in my field in the middle of a global pandemic and record unemployment!

Last week I had a convicting conversation with another Christian to take a hard look at our blessings and see what God has planned for those blessings. Wow, since August we have experienced a rare time of life in which our bank account has grown alongside our hard work with no real bank draining “emergency”. Add the stimulus money to that and a couple of bonuses at work… we are light years away from our hard times.

So I was inspired to take a few hours to map out how I could work some extra hours to support others financially as well. Mainly through supporting my friends and family’s small businesses and a few GoFundMe’s. It’d only be about $110 per month and it would take me away from our son for some extra hours each week. I prayed and asked a friend to join me in prayer for discernment that this is the right thing to do.

This morning, I woke up ready to work some extra hours so that I can help others!! Right at the start of my workday, I was awarded a significant raise.

Coincidence? No, I think that’s God’s plan!!!


It’s quite incredible that all of this happens almost every day, and every week, by diligent volunteers who embody our diligence core value.

Not only is there a large variety of “things to do,” but also a deep investment by those who say yes to volunteering. Most volunteers serve weekly, some even daily, spending hundreds of hours donating the gift many of us hold most tightly – the gift of time.

In 2023 alone, 420 volunteers invested 49,120 hours – a value of $1.5 million! 

Our core mission is to love, serve and connect with dignity as we follow Jesus Christ closely, watching how he transforms lives – and we often highlight the transformation happening through our Life Skills Program.

What we often forget to highlight is that God is also transforming lives through volunteerism, giving community members purpose, friendship, creativity, and belonging. Here at Love, we believe everyone has something to offer.

If you are a volunteer, at Love Your Neighbor or elsewhere, thank you for this priceless gift!

Check out this volunteer video to learn more about volunteering at Love Your Neighbor.