Love Moves

by | Mar 1, 2020 | Love Moves | 1 comment

Love Moves.


The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. (John 1:14 The Message)


We are hesitant. Hesitant to leave our homes. Hesitant to talk to people we do not know. Hesitant to share our lives with our neighbors, the very people that live in the same community that we do.


Our world is growing into a hesitant and distant group of people that coexist but don’t know each other at all.


What is this doing to us? Is this the way that we were intended to live? What does Jesus think about the way humans are living on earth today?


During Jesus’ time on earth, he moved. He moved into the neighborhood and spent time with the people there. He knew these people deeply, and loved them as his own family. He spent time in their homes, learning from them and teaching them. Jesus’ ministry should always be the example that we strive to live by. Jesus’ ministry was to be in the neighborhood and to continue to see the gifts and assets that each person has to offer.


What would it look like for you to move into your neighborhood? Not just live there in your own home with your family and belongings, but to actually move towards the others you are near. What would it look like for you to share your life with those you live by? Perhaps you will create friendships, learn new skills, create community that you have never experienced before. Perhaps you will find joy in making a difference in someone else’s life. Perhaps you will find new passions or gifts within yourself that you never knew existed.


When we make the courageous decision to move into something that is unknown to us, we are following Jesus. As we follow the path that he walked before, we are able to see with a new lens the life that He lived and the ministry that He was devoted to.


Jesus is the Word, Jesus became flesh and blood, Jesus is Love. Love moves.


When we choose love and choose to see the humanity and gifts in each other, love moves us into the neighborhood. Love moves us into relationship. Love moves us into something larger than ourselves.


Love empowers. Love transforms. Love moves.