Stuff The Bus with Love INC

by | Jul 15, 2019 | Community Events

Each year there are students in the Hudsonville, Jenison and Grandville school district who arrive to their first day of school under-prepared for their classes, lacking the appropriate backpack and school supplies.
Not having a backpack, pencil pouch, or even a set of pens and markers causes a setback in the student’s emotional preparation for the new school year. Local schools have helped us to identify over 700 students in the area who need backpacks and school supplies before school begins this August.
Love In the Name of Christ feels called to give back to the community, supporting local children experiencing poverty, through our annual Stuff the Bus/Back-to-School program! We are asking that local businesses and churches partner with us to be a drop-off location for new school supplies and backpacks.

The items we are hoping to provide to students are:

• Backpacks
• Black Dry Erase Markers
• Large Glue Sticks
• Composition notebooks
• Plastic 2-pocket folders
• Earbuds/Headphones
• Plastic pencil boxes
• Blue/Black ink pens
• Packages of #2 yellow pencils
• Wide rule spiral bound notebook
• Washable markers
• Scissors
• 1.5″ 3-ring binders
• Kleenex
• Disinfectant Wipes
• Clipboards
• Boxes of crayons (24 counts CRAYOLA)

If you are interested in becoming a drop off location or picking up school supplies yourself, please email Cindy at [email protected] or call 616.662.3300×122. The drop off due date is now August 5th. Donate now to either of our Resale Shoppes, making a difference in the life of a child in your community!