Love INC sat down with Jeff Davis, a Cedar Presbyterian Church Small Group Leader to talk about their partnership with Love INC.
How did your small group get connected to Love INC?
Our original plan was to offer help to the members of Cedar Church. Once those needs were met we expanded our search to friends, neighbors and local Christian organizations. The idea of reaching out to Love INC came up during this discussion.
What is the makeup of this group of people?
The group’s age range is from 33 – 55. Most group members have amateur repair skills they have learned by helping others or doing their own home repairs. We have one general contractor who directs and oversees most of the repair projects.
What is the mission of your group?
Our mission is to show the love of Jesus Christ in word and action. We prayerfully offer our help and allow the Holy Spirit to use us.
What is most fulfilling about carrying out this service through Cedar Church?
We love developing new relationships that allow us to share the love of Jesus and pray for the individual and their family.
Why is serving in the community so important to you?
God has been so very good to us. This is one way we can share our time, talent and resources, fulfilling the instruction from Colossians 3:17, “Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Anything else to share?
It has been a wonderful experience to see more of the work of Love INC, getting to know some of the volunteers, staff and clients. Hudsonville and the surrounding areas are very blessed to have this great, God-given and Christ-honoring organization that brings the resources of the church together to meet the needs of the community.
– Jeff Davis, Cedar Presbyterian Church Small Group Leader