It’s an interesting concept that we are introduced to in the book of Acts. The coming of the Spirit that Christ had promised causes people to share their “stuff.” So much “stuff” is shared that we are told by chapter four that, “there was not a needy person among them,” (v.34).
A tangible example of this happens right here at Love In the Name of Christ in our very own neighborhood! On a daily basis, faithful followers of Christ, like you, contribute from their many gifts of time, talent and treasure to ensure that, “there is not a needy person among us.”
I love seeing this community live fully into Paul’s admonition in 2 Corinthians 8 that, “Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. And give according to what you have, not what you don’t have,” (8:12).
We are so very humbled and grateful for you, our faithful ministry partners who stand with us shoulder to shoulder, ministering together!
Please rejoice with us as we continue to pray for the courage to follow where we believe God is opening doors of ministry.
Lastly, we are finishing strong with our expansion project, but with the opening of this new building we are on the way to a new beginning! We invite you to join us in this ongoing opportunity to “eagerly give.” Your financial gifts will enable us to continue to engage in life changing ministry and represents your participation and continued commitment to the feeding, educational and ministry programs, each one strategically poised to support the transformation that God allows us to witness on a daily basis!
Thanks for playing your part!
-Lisa Mathews, Executive Director